Thursday, May 30, 2019

Bacons Rebellion Essay -- essays research papers

Bacons Rebellion"Where we do well know that all our attempts will be impartially heard andequally justice administered to all men," as stated by, Nathaniel Bacon. 1 In1676 an uprising known as Bacons Rebellion occurred in Virginia. The immediatecause of this revolt was the dissension between the planters and the Indians.Because Sir William Berkeley, the Governor of Virginia had willingly deniedsupport to the farmers, Bacon assumed leadership of an unauthorized expeditionagainst the Indians. When Bacon learned that Governor Berkeley was rising a tweet against him, he turned away from the Indians to fight with Berkley. Thishad now become a serious problem for the governor. When news of this revolt hadreached King Charles II, it alarmed him so that he dispatched eleven hundredtroops to Virginia, recalled his governor, and appointed a commission todetermine the causes of the dissatisfaction. Bacons Rebellion is considered tobe the most important event in the establishment of n ation in colonialAmerica because the right to select and social equality were denied to the farmersby the local government.     The right to vote is a small but critical part of the democracy. Duringthe first half of the 17th century the farmers on the plantations in Virginiawere not able to exercise their right to vote. The only people that were ableto vote during this time were the wealthy men who owned land. Overall thecolonists had not been treate...

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